Partipation in 5th Friday Art Walks
We are happy to have any permanent, brick & mortar business or organization within the footprint of 5th Friday Art Walk participate in the event in Downtown Pauls Valley, OK. We ask that any brick & mortar business or organization that will be participating in the 5th Friday Art Walk to contact the Pauls Valley Arts Council and let us know what you plan to be doing, particularly if it is located outside. The Arts Council can also help provide a featured artist for your location if provided ample time.
To have your featured artist, concert, performance or other arts event included in any promotional activities, please email the Pauls Valley Arts Council at [email protected] with all the pertinent information and a high-res image if available.
Participating in 5th Friday Art Walks and being listed in any and all marketing materials is totally free and no fees are required. We ask that to be listed, events be free, arts-related and open to the public, free from profanity, politics... and preferably awesome (we’re sure it’s awesome!).
We love to introduce new artists and art styles to the residents and visitors of Pauls Valley, OK. Artists selected by the Arts Council will be displayed at the Pauls Valley Arts & Cultural Center. We also assist by placing artists at other brick & mortar locations in Downtown Pauls Valley. If you are interested in participating in the 5th Friday Art Walk send an email to the Pauls Valley Arts Council and provide some images that show us your work. Click on the sample artist contract below to learn more. We typically aim to showcase at least 1-2 local artists and 5-6 visiting artists during the art walk events.
Artists will be expected to do the following:
-Complete, sign, scan and email the artist contract (sample below).
-Deliver 10-20 pieces of artwork to the Pauls Valley Art Cultural Center at 220 W. Paul Ave between 1:00 PM and 4:30 PM CT on the day of the show. The building is open during the day and the gallery area is not monitored or secured, therefore art work will not be accepted earlier than the day of the show.
-Send an artist's bio with photo of the artists and artwork so that a press release and social media posts can be submitted, and website can be updated in advance of the art walk. This should be done after the artist contract is submitted and at least one week or two in advance. The earlier it is submitted, the more advertising PVAC can do. One photo of artist and sample art work can be submitted earlier for placement on the PVAC website.
-If there are any special requirements for the hanging or displaying of the art pieces, artists will need to contact the arts council as soon as possible via email.
-Work that hangs on the walls must be ready to hang with the proper hardware (i.e., wires attached to the back), already attached, framed and/or gallery wrapped. Tables can be provided if work does not hang on the walls.
-Bring an Artist Statement to be displayed with your work, preferably on white card stock.
-Bring name cards, preferably on white card stock, for work that will be displayed. Cards should include title of the piece, artist's name, medium used, and price if you wish to sell it.
-Help spread the word about the event through your own social media postings.